Demetris "Prynce" Henry - Best Man
Brother of the Groom

Kalia Mae Adams - Maid of Honor

Jayden Tauki'uvea - Hansen - Groomsman
Nephew representing his father Soni Hansen

Fataimoeloa Tauki'uvea - Bridesmaid
Sister of the bride

Shawn McMurray - Groomsman
The grooms military brother

Kathryn McMurray - Bridesmaid
Best friend of the bride

Eugene Tukumoeatu - Groomsman
The grooms rugby coach

KiahnaLei Adams - Bridesmaid

Semisi Christensen - Groomsman
Son of the Bride

Leilani Christensen - Bridesmaid
Eldest niece of the bride

Lesieli "Queenie" Kaufusi - Flower Girl
Niece of the Bride

Mele Adams - Flower Girl

Kyra Lane - Flower Girl

DJ Buttah - Wedding DJ
Brother of the bride

Tau'ataina - Ring Bearer
Nephew of the bride